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Financial departments

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  3. Department of Building Maintenance and Improvement
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Tursunov Sheroz Sharofiddinovich


Every day 15.00-17.00

(0 365) 221-27-07

Bukhara city, 11 M.Iqbol street


+99891 401-06-02

Department of Building Maintenance and Improvement


• Coordinating the work of the staff of MTTB, TIB and x / b.
• Ensuring the safety of material goods and assets in the warehouse of the university and approval of standards for departments and chairs of the university;
• Regular cleaning of the school building, dormitory, kitchen and yard in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
• Operation and maintenance of utility networks for educational buildings, dormitories and other buildings;
• Supervise the cultivation of ornamental crops in the university and the organization of Saturdays in conjunction with x / b;
• Carrying out current and capital repairs of buildings and structures on the territory of the university;
• Provide dormitories, classrooms, chairs and departments with soft and hard inverters and monitor their safety;
• Appointment of additional duty officers from the farm staff on the days of holidays and special events;
• Ensuring timely submission of monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Ministry and local authorities;
• Ensuring and controlling the import of material goods and resources from ministries and other organizations for higher education.